What Luffs Should I Export My Mp3 At?

Dave Jackson

Last Update a year ago

What Luffs Should I Export my podcast episode at?

 The podcast industry has mostly standardized on -16 LUFS for stereo files. This is the loudness level that Apple Podcasts ask for.The standard  -19 LUFS for mono.

FYI:Spotify and YouTube ask for -14 LUFS; but most podcasts still produce a -16 LUFS file

If you want a simple way of measuring a podcast after you’ve mixed it, the website loudness․info will measure the loudness of your music or podcast.

For monitoring levels, while you mix, that’s a different story. If you have a LUFS meter in your audio editor - Hindenburg has one - you’ll see a bewildering amount of numbers.

Bottom line: anywhere from -14 to -16 is fine in my book.

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