Best Tool For Recording Remote Podcast Interviews

Dave Jackson

Last Update 9 months ago


Squadcast is a simple tool that makes it easy for your guest to join. It records both you and your guest(s) locally to their computer and then uploads their recording to the cloud. Even if you hear breakups so if someone sounds like 'sa thi da go bot en go licous" when you get the recording it seems like they were in the same room with you (the breaks went over the internet and Squadcast records locally.

It enables you to record each track separately (so if a dog barks on the guest's track you can mute just their channel) or you and your guest talk over each other you can choose to mute one of the people talking.

Lastly, if you don't want that much functionality, it can also combine the separate tracks into one.

It's an amazing tool. Check it out at

(affiliate link - but I also use Zencastr )


Zencastr is another tool that locally records both sides of the conversation and uploads them. It also can combine them into one. Zencastr has a free version that offers the recording in an mp3 format. My general opinion is Zencast is not as bad, and free is hard to argue with, but you don't get the quality you do with zencastr, and while I've never had this issue, I've had several people tell me there is a "Drift" issue with Zencastr where your individual tracks don't line up correctly when you go to put them together.

Check it out at


Zoom is an online meeting tool that enables you to record audio and video. It is fairly inexpensive and produces "usable" results. Where Squadcast and Zencastr record locally, Zoom is recording the audio after it's been compressed over the internet (it is possible to record better audio, but you do have to dig to find it). Zoom is reliable and you don't seem to get as many hiccups as when you record with Skype.

There is a free version that allows you to record up to 40 minutes. Check out

There are more than these three options as always with the Internet, but this is a brief example of some popular choices. Skype is another free tool that can produce good results.

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